Sustainability​​​​​​​ at smu

"In September 2020, when we unveiled the SMU 2025 strategy, we further underscored the importance of Sustainable Living and committed to it as a priority area, where we see ourselves creating impact and bringing about positive change."

- Professor Lily Kong, SMU President

Start your exploration with our sustainability focus areas:

Awards and Accolades

Upcoming Events



Master of Sustainability Panel Discussion

Weathered Wings: How Extreme Climate Threaten Our Butterfly Population & Biodiversity

Venue: SOA SR2-5

SMU Community



Master of Sustainability Panel Discussion

Implementing the European Union Deforestation Regulation: Perspectives from Southeast Asia

Venue: Online

Open to Public



Master of Sustainability Panel Discussion

Urban Ecologies on the Edge: Making Manila's Resource Frontier

Venue: SMU SOSS/ CIS Meeting Room 4-1 & 4-2, Level 4

Open to Public



Master of Sustainability Panel Discussion

Declutter Drive & Refresh Party

Venue: Declutter Drive at SMU Concourse from 17-19 Mar; Refresh Party at SMUC Level 5 Event Space on 21 Mar

SMU Community

Sign up for an event

Whether you are just starting on your sustainability journey or ready to dive deep into specific topics, we have something for everyone in our exciting line-up of sustainability events. Many of them are open to the public too!